This is my piece of an Exquisite Corpse that my class completed as a group. We were each given a 30 second snippet of a song that we were required to fill with whatever we wanted, as long as we included the panda mask in some way. I shot, directed, and edited this video.

This is a short mock-bump that was completed for a class project. We were told to produce a bump as if it was supposed to represent/advertise our university.

This is a project in Kinetic Typography, using After Effects and Milo's song, Who Told You To Think?

A short little animation, this project was created purely for fun and practice. I created all of the objects in Illustrator and animated them inside After Effects.

This is a short mock-commercial for Spotify. The idea came to me while I was at work and heard one of Spotify's ads. This is one of my first animation projects.

Said the Walrus is the name of my band, and we created this short video for our social media to promote an upcoming show. While short, it conveys the necessary information for our target audience.

"One Mohr Year" was filmed to promote Josiah Mohr's (a fellow classmate) Vice-Presidential student government campaign. Mohr came to me with his idea, and I shot and edited this video using Adobe Premier Pro and After Effects. This video was posted on social media and publicly viewed by a group of about 100 people. He later was elected VP of the student government. 

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